Service Times






















Need a ride to service call us at:

850-878-0085 & select option 3 (leave a message two days before service, include your name, address and telephone number)

Church Address:

916 Paul Russell Road, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Telephone Number: (850) 878-0085
Fax: (850) 878.0465
Contact our Minister Dr. Elijah R. Cole:

"Saving Souls and Keeping Souls Saved"

"W E L C O M E ! "

We warmly welcome all visitors to our worship services. You are our Honored Guests. There are no strangers here, just friends who have not met. Because the Church of Christ is a spiritual organ-ism (body) established in AD 33 - Jerusalem - by Jesus Christ, our Lord, it is a hospital for the sin sick, a lighthouse for the lost, and a compass for those in search of eternal life. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about

  1. The Worship Service
  2. The Bible 
  3. Your Soul Salvation

We will gladly give you a Bible answer for a Bible question.

Please come and worship with us soon.

Our hours of service are:

Sunday Morning

9:00am            Bible Study

10:30am          Morning Worship Service (In-person and Virtual)

Paul Russell Road Church of Christ Facebook



7:00pm            Midweek Bible Study


© 2014 - 2025 Paul Russell Rd Church of Christ - All Rights Reserved.