Our Ministries
Evangelism - Responsible for developing and implementing church-wide evangelism programs. Also responsible for conducting evangelism training and individualized Bible Classes and Bible Correspondence Courses.
Worship - Preparing us to worship God in Spirit and in truth to ensure we have an uplifting service to God.
Sick & Shut-In - Responsible for conducting communion services at the home of members whose health will not allow them to attend services. Also responsible for seeing that the needs of those that are sick and shut-in are addressed or communicated to leadership for handling.
Praise & Worship Service - Responsible for preparing the program for 4th Sunday Praise and Worship Service and coordinating program participants and services.
Radio / Tape / Audio -Visual - Responsible for the audio and visual recording of sermons, programs and special events and reproduction of the recordings. Committee is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of all church-owned audio and visual equipment.
Education - Responsible for the research, identification, acquisition/design and implementation of all church education and training programs. Conducts on-going evaluations of education and training programs for their effectiveness and economy.
Benevolence - Responsible for reviewing all requests for aid and assistance to those in need. Also responsible for developing benevolent programs and evaluating benevolent activities to ensure that resources allocated to the Benevolence Program are being used efficiently and effectively.
Youth Ministry - Responsible for developing and coordinating all Church youth programs and activities. Directs the activities of the Soldiers4Christ youth program. Serves as the Church representative at local, regional, state and national meetings and conferences.
Campus/College Ministry - Responsible for designing and implementing programs that focus on college students and their spiritual edification. These programs also expand the focus of the Church evangelism effort to include activities on or around college campuses.
Song\Choral Groups - Responsible for the coordination of all singing groups and song leaders.
Transportation Ministry - The purpose for the Transportation Ministry is to provide a ride for members and visitors to attend our church services. (Please make arrangements 2 days prior)